Self care - are you looking after yourself?

‘Self care’ has become a bit of a buzz phrase at the moment. Sounds easy to do but what does it really mean? And how do you integrate self care into a busy, often stress filled life?

What is self care?

Put simply, looking after yourself is more than getting up, washing, dressing, eating and sleeping. Finding small moments of space, calm and creating rituals which nourish and restore you is what we really mean by self care.

While having a regular yoga, meditation or breathing practice is great in principle, our responsibilities, schedules and work patterns often mean finding time to devote to regular practices and classes becomes a source of frustration and leads to feelings of disappointment. But don’t be disheartened, with some reflection and a good look at your daily and weekly routines you might just find some new rituals.

There are six key areas of self care - emotional, physical, mental, social, practical and spiritual.

Here’s a few suggestions to give you some ideas:

  • Can you find two minutes in your day to focus on your breath? Perhaps while you are waiting for the kettle to boil, or when you are parked up before going into the office/meeting/before you pick the children up

  • Journaling - this doesn’t have to be a long process - just writing an intention at the start of your day or reflecting on three things that went well at the end of your day can have a positive impact on your welbeing

  • Finding calm in daily rituals - spritzing or watering your plants, walking the dog and observing nature

  • Having a cup of tea/coffee away from your desk

  • Creating a regular bedtime routine (and going to bed at the same time - getting enough sleep is a big step towards positive self care

  • Disconnecting in the evening - putting your devices away

  • Wake up and stretch slowly focusing on gentle movements to get out of bed

  • Take a bath instead of a shower occasionally

  • If you can’t get to a yoga or meditation class - go online - there is a wealth of resources. There are also many apps which focus on self care, many of which are free

  • Book a massage or treatment that you really like (or ask for vouchers for a birthday gift)

  • Declutter and keep your own space tidy - this can feel like a chore (try to do little and often then it does not feel like a huge job). Enjoy the cathartic feeling and achievment once you have finished

  • Connect with friends and people you care about spending time with

  • Get out into nature as much as you can

  • Find your voice - try chanting or a singing group

  • Buy yourself a new plant and create a sacred space at home

  • Focus on your breath whenever you can - lenthening the out breath (exhale) can reduce feelings of stress and anxiety

  • Try a new hobby, class or at home activity (colouring, crafts, reading)

  • Light a scented candle

Benefits of self care

Increasing focus on yourself can reduce stress and increase self esteem. It can also lead to better relationships and feeling more fulfilled, promoting positive mental and physical health.

Self care is, by its very nature, personal, so find your little routines and rituals and feel good about them.


Self reflection as a tool for self love


Weaving Yoga into your every day